Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Do You Want Michelle Obama Dress Now? A Marketing Dream

Barbara Segal, President of Barbara Segal and Associates passion is fashion. However it is also technology and the Internet, and wow how one can express anything immediately now is amazing. Fox.news had advertising from J.Crew within an hour of the inauguration ceremony. We now have immediate results and contact with friends, followers, and colleges with Social Networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and more. Company's with website planned for immediate results and action of Internet Sales today, January 20, 2009.

With a sinking Fashion economy J. Crew's marketing team was brilliant with their insight into Inauguration Day 2009. Facebooking , Tweetering and Googling for photos of, The First Lady, Michelle Obama Inauguration Dress, photos quickly appeared and one from Fox.news
Get Michelle's First Lady Style for Less immediately caught Barbara Segal's journalist eye and mind.

Who would Design Michelle Obama Dress? Was the Fashion Press and Fashion Industry's Inspiration question this past week. What the First Lady would wear was the fuel for fashionista and ressionista all over the world. Today's technology gives Bloggers and Social Networkers immediate directions as to where, how and now! Barbara Segal, a seasoned Fashion Media and Marketing, expert found the match to the style of Michelle Obama's ensemble by Isabel Toledo with a yellow dress by J. Crew brilliant as a marketing move in the new economy. There was a yellow dress not particularly close to the style however the marketing was fast, making the consumer want it now and buying it for a bright sunny dress in every women's future in 2009.

On this day of the Inauguration of President, Barack Obama and his beautiful Family, all of America feels renewed, fueled, blessed, and inspired for HOPE!

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