Sunday, March 30, 2008

Attractive Reasons to Have A Corporate Blog

Blogs have become an important marketing tool for hundreds of companies, associations, elected officials and candidates, self-appointed digital journalists and traditional journalists who can trash or build up your company in their blogs in a New York minute.

If you're not thinking about how to use blogs in your business, you're missing a big opportunity.

One of the great things about blogs is that blogs are a doorway to Search Engines and Social Media. Blogs are indexed well by search engines which love sites that are focused upon a topic, and updated regularly. Social media sites also love blogs.


  • Establish a reliable rhythm for readers, so they know they can rely on you to have new material for them every so often.
  • Have video, podcasts, photos, screenshots and other visuals on your blog.
  • The trend is also to cumulative your social media efforts (Facebook,Twitter, blogging, etc.) so they're easier to find in one place or on one page.
  • What matters is why you do what you do.
  • Always look for what can set you apart and from the competition.

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